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I'm Dr. Val, integrative sleep medicine physician, women’s sleep expert and your guide to better sleep.

If you're a midlife woman struggling with sleep and feeling overwhelmed by exhaustion, know that you're not alone. Up to 60% of women in perimenopause and menopause face similar sleep challenges.

I founded Sleephoria, because I am committed to changing this narrative. The mission is simple: to help women overcome exhaustion and embrace fulfilling lives through better sleep health.

Join the Sleephoria community and let's conquer sleep struggles together!

To support your sleep journey download the free guide "11 things a sleep MD wishes all women knew about snoring and sleep apnea."

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Looking for expert women's sleep info and love to binge on videos? Check out Sleephoria's YouTube for a variety of women's sleep topics from snoring, to magneisum and breathing exercises. We've got you!

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Prefer reading over watching? Head over to the blog to learn more about women's sleep health. Our articles are categorized into sleep, women'shealth, nutrition, movement, and mind-body practices.

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Sleephoria is a resource promoting women’s sleep health and whole living. Helping you sleep peacefully and live with euphoria! 💜

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About Dr. Val

I understand the struggle of sleep because I've been there too. From insomnia during medical student days to juggling shift work and later dealing with obstructive sleep apnea. I get the exhaustion, brain fog, and moodiness that comes with lack of sleep.

But here's the thing: you're not alone in this journey. I see you. I hear you. And I'm here to offer hope, encouragement, and practical wisdom for your sleep struggles. Because we all know how crucial good sleep is for living a whole life.

Let's navigate this together. Whether you need tips for winding down, strategies for better sleep, or just a supportive voice, consider Sleephoria your partner in reclaiming restful nights and energized days.

more about Dr. Val >>

"Dr. Val helped me identify lifestyle factors messing up my sleep and I'm def sleeping better! I found heron a podcast. Listen to her and put the tools in place. Her research materials are excellent. I'm spreading her good work." 
- Connie

What ladies are saying...

"Dr. Val is very kind and supportive. She educates as we discuss my situation. I learned a lot and have improved my sleep quality because of her." 
- Miko

What ladies are saying...

Are you ready for better sleep?

Find yourself anxiously tossing and turning unable to relax at night?
Been told that you snore and are worried what this could mean?
Wake up exhausted and lack the energy to get through your day?
Search for answers online to restore your sleep and nothing seems to work?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above you are in the right place.  You can have the BEST sleep of your life. Join the Sleephoria Insider Newsletter for women's sleep health and whole living expert information delivered straight to your inbox.